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Gender discrimination

Gender discrimination

Any distinction, exclusion, or restriction made based on sex and whose effects or symptoms weaken or frustrate the recognition of human rights and fundamental freedoms of women in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other field.

This also means any discrimination, exclusion, or other preference that has the effect of nullifying or weakening the application of equal treatment in employment or profession. If the exclusion is not based on qualifications required by a particular job, then it is considered discrimination, and the process of discrimination against females usually begins from birth to death.

Types of discrimination:

Positive discrimination

It is a specific measure taken against a particular group to include it in the other groups, given that positive discrimination against women is a temporary measure and it puts an end to injustice against women in some cases.

Negative discrimination

Any exclusion, restriction, or preference for one person over another because of race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national origin, or social origin.